AI For Sales & Marketing With Caroline Life

Using AI for sales and marketing has become a much more common practice in recent years, and for good reason. The use of AI mitigates focus on tedious low-value work and allows the human elements of the process to truly zone in on what's important. Chad Burmeister is joined by Caroline Life, the Senior Marketing Manager of Stratos Global Marketing. Chad and Caroline talk about using AI by incorporating its functionality in the sales and marketing process. Let Chad and Caroline show you a new way that you can go about your processes in a way that makes you infinitely more effective.

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AI For Sales & Marketing With Caroline Life

I have Caroline Life with me who is an independent marketing consultant. She's also working with a very cool company. Caroline, why don't you introduce yourself and your company to the audience?

Thanks, Chad. I'm Caroline Life and I am the Senior Marketing Manager for Stratos Global Marketing. What Stratos does is it works with companies of mostly small to medium-sized companies and helps them grow their sales and marketing programs through a lot of discovery. We are helping them figure out what kinds of tools and messaging we can do to help improve their work in the marketplace of their choice. It's a fun balance for me. That's where I spend most of my time. I also have my own clients as well. I happened to be the VP of Web and on the board of what used to be the BMA of Colorado, which is the Business Marketing Association. It is already called the Marketing Alliance. is a great spot. We met up there at an event. We've got all sorts of things coming up throughout the year. I encourage people to check that out.

That was fabulous. Carlos Hidalgo spoke to the audience and talked about, I don't think he used the term, work-life balance, because that was faux pas but he shared how he was working 24/7, 365 days a year. He wrote a book called The UnAmerican Dream. It's about how to chase happiness and success rather than chasing money and financials. I thought it was a good talk that you put on.

Thank you. It's a cool organization and it's a great place for local, Denver Metro sales and marketing professionals to get together. We do some things online as well. I'm glad you were there and we reconnected.

Before we get started, while we're on this slide, there are 72 sales experts this year. Do you recognize anybody on this one?

I'll have to spend some time looking a little bit more closely but if anybody knows me, “Let’s get together.”

“Let's schedule some time.” Caroline, would be happy to talk on this channel. Thanks, everybody, for joining. For those not familiar, the Sales Expert Channel is the only place you can go for educational and inspirational content from global sales and marketing experts. There will be some content. Feel free to download them. Caroline is going to provide a few links and you'll be able to download from there. We already asked you this question, but let me further expand. With Stratos, how does your company leverage AI? Maybe it's not your company using AI, but it's your customers. Are you seeing AI get deployed and how?

Most definitely. A lot of us are in the stage of work where we're not necessarily even aware of all of the AI that we're using on a regular basis. For example, a lot of what I do with my clients and with Stratos and my team there is to use collaborative tools that bridge the gap, if there is one anymore, between sales and marketing. We'll do that via a number of things like Slack. A lot of our work gets done there. A lot of us could say, “Slack can be a little bit of a time suck,” but there are more ways to use Slack either on its own or with other applications to get to what you need quickly and have it suggest the things that you need to know more quickly. Whether it's from content experts, what you need to know from specific channels, etc. I think that Google Docs or if it's a Microsoft environment, using all of the backend collaborative things within Microsoft.It becomes something that is normal in communications. The big C word though, Collaboration is still the thing that is the most exciting to me because we can get in real-time what the needs are from our sales teams. Use the things within CRM to understand better. I know you use the great word, that idea of a Revenue Intelligence System more than just a Customer Relationship Management System. We are looking toward getting that immediate insight on how to best help our customers and their customers. AI is everywhere. I don't know if you're finding that way too or if you're seeing that standout AI separation or if it's ingrained on everything.

Love them or hate them, chatbots have become very useful tools for communication.

I went to the conference, The C-Suite Network. I asked people to raise their hands in the audience of 300 people. I said, “How many people are using AI?” There's a small handful of people. If you ask the question, “How many people are using ZoomInfo by DiscoverOrg?” Thirty percent to forty percent of the audience's hands go up. I said, “Then you're using AI.” I think you're right and even Slack. I did an interview with Ryan, a former Zoom Video employee. He said, “There are all these companies who are out there hyping AI. Unless it's a computer that can completely run a sales cycle from front to back,” I was like, “Time out. We're not representing that a robot is going to completely run everything in a sales cycle, but AI can take on the parts of the process that are low-value work, following up on an email, for example.” You might be able to have a virtual assistant that can handle that communication for somebody who downloaded a white paper.

Love them or hate them, chatbots to get somebody in and say, “We don't want you to wait. Is there something we can do to help you?” Hopefully in the background, it might be pinging someone on the sales team to say, “You've got someone live here looking for assistance, but they're not having to wait.”

You spent 30 minutes. That's why we were late because I was on hold with Merrill somebody. It was a 30-minute hold time where if I could've chatted with a bot and said, “I put in this transfer request. It hasn't seemed to occur yet.” “Have you done this or that?” Take the friction out. It is interesting. There was a gentleman named Dan Martell who put on an event called Maple Summit in Canada. It was a ski trip with 48 CEOs. I saw one of his presentations and it showed this graph in this curve that said, “Take them the amount of revenue you're doing as a company.” Let's say you're the CEO of a company and you're doing $2 million in revenue. Divide that by how many hours there are in a year. That's how much your hourly rate is. That’s $600 to $800 an hour. Do the math and say, “How many jobs are you doing that is $20 an hour person or a $10 an hour a bot could process? Start looking at your business by bifurcating and putting lower costs labor or lower cost bots on tasks that could be done by a bot.

It is the same thing on the marketing side. We're looking at places where someone can easily show us where they are in their buyer's journey. We know what kinds of content to serve up. A lot of that is learned by the machine. It's learned by the system that you're using, whether it's some kind of CRM or other automation tools, HubSpot, or whatever. Instead of me having to guess or suddenly say, “Chad, do you have the latest presentation because someone over here got a new lead because of this?” The machine is learning with you all the time and saying, “We've got an average close rate that's happening more because it was an email, an ad, an actual presentation and then a visit.” Things we wouldn't be able to track as easily or as quickly. I'm a fan.

It's prevalent. Let's get to know Caroline before we go deeper into the topic of The AI For Sales and Marketing. Where were you born? Where do you go to college? Tell us about a little bit about your earlier part of life.

I was born in Madison, Wisconsin. I grew up in the twin cities, Minneapolis–Saint Paul. I went back to Madison for school because it's where my parents met and had me. There was this mythology of Madison the entire time I was growing up. Three generations of our family have graduated or multiple parts of our family, with the latest ones having graduated in 2019. It's a great tradition. It was a lot of fun. The topic that I studied was English with a big focus on writing and literature. I'm still a passionate reader and writer. That is something that's always been with me since I was a kid. Having been in Madison, if anyone has spent any time there, I got to study human behavior. A lot of it was very social. One of the things that I enjoy in my life is relationship building in general. That lands itself well to our careers in sales and marketing because we genuinely want to get to know our clients and help them tell their stories.

I didn't know we had that in common. I was born in Madison, Wisconsin. What a small world. My dad went to UW Madison. I've been back there probably five times in the last several years with relatives for weddings, funerals and all that fun stuff. I can hear the passion for English and writing. To get to know you even further for our audience, think about when you're a young kid, what sparked your passion at age 5 or 6? Did you like to read? What was it that got you on that path

?Reading was huge. I can still remember my nursery school teacher's name, Mrs. Blendmin. She was the one who got me interested in reading where I was four years old. It's been something that I have loved and my life is richer for. It has inspired me to do other things, to travel, to learn languages, to go out and do the things that maybe I otherwise wouldn't have known about. That and kittens.

My daughter would love you.

Using AI: A robot can't completely run everything in a sales cycle, but AI can take on the parts of the process that are low-value.

We have two kitties, two giant black cats. What that has done for me has made me a volunteer in animal-related causes and things like that. It's fun when our passions aligned when we're kids and stay with us into our adulthood. I have a client through Stratos that is an emergency and specialty veterinarian. That makes me happy to get to write things for them.

That's funny because my daughter wants to be a veterinarian. She shares your passion with kitties. Keenan put out a post that he said, “Be your authentic self. You're not supposed to talk politics and religion.” He talks about and argues with people all the time, those two things. His point is, “Be yourself in life. The closer you can align with what your God-given talents are, the happier you'll be in your own skin.”

The more we're able to bring authenticity to our clients because no one's going to buy from you if they don't believe you. If they don’t believe that what you're selling is the thing that is going to do something truly positive and changing for their business. No one's going to believe the articles of the top five things that are going to help their business if I've just written a blog, if I don't get into it with them and understand where their pain is and opportunities are in my relationship with sales to create the content that's going to glue things together. We've all read things that make zero sense at the time, aren't sincere and don't have that human part. As we get into our discussion of how artificial intelligence helps us in our daily work, for a long time yet, we're going to need it. That human emotion and opinion are critical in sales and marketing, even with the boost of AI.

Let's think about AI for sales. I think a lot of people define very different. You add in sales and marketing. If you follow Folloze’s, Etai, the CEO would probably define it completely different than the CEO of HubSpot would. From your perspective in Madison, Wisconsin upbringing, how do you define it?

It's a lot for me. It is most influential and something I can try to define. It's where a machine, a computer obviously can come in and monitor human and machine activity. Also, to be able to help predict, suggest, enhance, and complete tasks for us that we otherwise may be doing at very high-value times in. It can build a lot of momentum for sales and marketing that otherwise, would take so much time, expand and lengthen that sales process. Hopefully, it can bring us the intelligence to do our work better.

Dr. Joël Le Bon from Johns Hopkins University is running the only MBA sales school in the country. He left the University of Houston, which was the number one fastest growing undergrad sales program. He's created the number one MBA program for sales. He wrote the foreword and the conclusion of the book, AI For Sales. He said that there are two components. There's an augmentation and there's assistance. A lot of what you were describing is the augmentation piece. There's still a human that you push the button at the point of impact in a lot of cases. My good friend, Chris Beall CEO of ConnectAndSell, often points it out. Do you know Chris?

I know ConnectAndSell well. I probably know Chris or teams of the past.

Chris always points out that there are many variables that go into making a decision that a human can look at, where if you try to program in those variables to a computer, forget about it. I remember attending a conference and they showed a picture of donuts and they said, “How many donuts are on the screen?” My answer would be three. He goes, “Raise your hand if it's three,” and 60% of the audience raises their hand. “Raise your hand if you think it's two. Raise your hands if you think it's eight.” There were all different people that had different ideas. He said, okay, “You were three, what is it?” I go, “I see the one. It's half-chewed off or it's on part of the screen. I'm going to count that as a whole donut.” Someone else said, “What about that crumb up there in the corner? That's part of a donut.” They're going to count it. If you try to teach a robot how to count the number of donuts on the screen, who gets to decide the right answer? There are many variables that can go into the inputs.

When we look at how AI is helping sales and marketing, we know that it goes even outside of that. We have to bring in all the other people who are helping the sales process. We know that there are customer support people on the far end. We know that there are other partners and people who are using word of mouth. Bringing all of these things together, somebody has got to collect all of that. Computers are getting there and are able to collect more of that. As humans are, we are the ones who are going to say, “This makes sense. This is going to give you some context. This is the stuff that's making an emotional connection with people.”

No one's going to buy from you if they don't believe you.

If you can train the AI, think of Sesame Street when we were kids. One of these kids is doing their own thing. Remember there would be a jump rope and everybody else is riding a bike or something. To me, that's the basis of AI. It's good at looking at across a large data set and saying, “That's different. That email got 50% open rate in it and a 15% reply rate.” We have a partner/company that we work with called FlowEngine. They are automating the process of reaching out to people through your LinkedIn network. You can take a list of 100 people that you want to get into. They will look at your network of, in my case, 18,000 people. They go and say, “Which one of those 18,000 has the best chance of getting you into company A? What about company B and so on and so forth? What message has a higher likelihood of getting that person to make the introduction?” You can start to use AI to say, “Who do I go after? Who's in my network and what do I say to them?” You can think of all those out of 18,000 people and I'll have a list of 100. There are 30,000 possible paths because you can go to someone in your 1st, 2nd and 3rd connection network. It gets beyond what I could do myself.

The other wonderful things about that lovely term, hyper-personalization, how we can then say that this message is working? How do you even get someone to open it? What is that? What's happening there? It doesn't need to be changed for every single person. “Is it in the subject line? Is it something to do with the link? What's the thing that's driving that?” All of us want it. We don't want more sales and marketing coming at us necessarily. If it comes at us with that message, that means something and hyper-personalized thing for us, it starts to feel less invasive because it's going to save time. We need to sort through the junk to get to something that's meaningful and helpful for us.

I attended an event called Flip the Script, and I still have this long legal page handout on my desk. Becc Holland came up with this idea. She spent nights and weekends putting it together. It's pretty simple. The personalization process says, “Let's look at something that you've put out.” If you've put out a webinar, a light paper, a blog or a book and then you comment, you can’t just say, “Caroline, that was a really good book. Let me introduce you to Chorus.” What she teaches the people to do is, “Caroline, that was a good book. On page eighteen, you said, ‘AI for sales and marketing is the next big thing.’ In case you're not familiar,” and then I'll use Josh Braun’s approach, which has deposit versus withdrawal. “I thought you might want to attend this webinar that I did with Josh Braun, where he talks about AI for sales marketing. Check it out.” By going broad to connect to you as a person, then being specific on a certain page, tying my unique value prop to that. I'm already going, “How can I take what's on this page and automate that so that reps can read what they should send and then push a button to do it?”

It becomes fun because you can start to see the value of all of this. It starts to make sense. It starts to be something that we all are willing to invest a little bit of time to set it up or to give it a little tweak when it needs it. They can run in the background once we get it set up correctly. It's fascinating. I know that concept you use, deposit withdrawal. Providing something educational and beneficial. Nobody wants to waste a click on something that takes them deeper into someone's wonderful special system without learning something and getting something back. It helps all of us.

He even says, “Six deposits before you need to ask.” Think about that, “Here's a $20 deposit in the ATM. Here's another $100 deposit.” He's giving so much business value. He did a funny presentation. He talked about Link in Zelda. I'm not familiar with the Legend of Zelda, to be honest, but levels 1 through 3, you’ve got a wooden sword. The wooden sword would get you only so far. When you are in 3 through 7 or something, you had to upgrade or you're going to continue to lose all your lives in the game. He was doing examples where he would say, “Link, I thought you might be interested. You may not be aware that the wooden swords are not going to work after this. If you go to this cave, you'll figure out where to get the other sword.” The value is a thing that people aren't even aware that they're going to run into. “I see you deployed Mercato, you may not be aware. Here's some little thing that you haven’t thought of.” You're giving them value.

It makes sense that we're not having to go out and search all of these things to find it ourselves. All of us are time and attention deprived. If we can be receiving, be giving back as sales and marketing people, the kinds of content that will make it easier for people to do their regular business days and benefit from our products and services, that’s fabulous. We're going to have customers coming out of yours.

You talked about Slack as a way of leveraging a basic form of bot powered AI. What else have you seen out there? Is there anything your customers are using, where you're starting to say, “That's the next big thing?

We do a lot of advertising for clients. There are things that are happening on the Google Ad and Facebook Ad side that are wonderfully powered by AI with things like Lookalike Audiences. You can put in the attribution that you know your top buyers are going to be coming from. You can pay a little bit, you can sort through all wonderful different attributions and say, “I want a Lookalike Audience. I don't know who they might be, but you do. You know some other group that is behaving the same way as my targeted few. Let's test something with them and see if it works.” It's amazing how quickly it will sort through things like that and then return your results. It will give you all the fabulous data so that you understand why and how this is working better for you.

Using AI: Even with the incorporation of AI in sales and marketing processes, human emotion and opinions are still critical.

‍You go from this thing of unknown inner circle and it goes concentrically out. It builds an audience that you didn't even know you had. That's a big one, the personalized ads. Also, the basic stuff like using a collaborative system to do document creation. It's a heck of a lot easier if you've got everybody working in something where you can see who's commenting, if they've approved it, if there's something that needs to get added. Something that can be scheduled that everyone has visibility in, that’s fantastic. Simply Google Docs, Slack, and things like that. I'm certainly looking for something still that I'm sure is out there. There are a few things I was looking at that seemed interesting, but I don't know that all of us are using our CRM to the full be-all end-all that it could be. That's where we're going to see some advances in business is how people can get that Revenue Intelligence System thing happening so that we all have that single point of truth, which is where we're all trying to get.

That's interesting that you brought up the topic of CRM. One company out there called, Babar is the CEO. These guys will log into your Outlook. They integrate into CRM. When you have a meeting with the customer, within seconds of the time the meeting's done, let's say it's a one-hour meeting block, you'll get a text as a salesperson. Whether you're an inside rep or an outside or a CEO, it doesn't matter. If the ops in your name, you're going to get a text your phone and it's going to say, “How did the meeting with Caroline go?” I try to dupe the bot sometimes and I'll say, “Fabulous.” It's smart enough that it says, “That’s great. Is the signed date still March 31st?” Most salespeople have put it way out to a quarter or so for the future. “No, it was moved to February 28th.” “That’s great. Is the amount still $87,400.32?” “No.” You're interacting with this chatbot. CRM is getting updated in real-time rolling up to the forecast so that the sales leader and the marketing side can have that real-time level of pulling out Slack in the line. What better use case for AI than that? That's amazing.

That's a big part of it is we're using voice-enabled applications. There's AI in our daily lives, whether it's Siri or anything else, being able to do something like that where you can answer simple questions. It's doing the literal data entry for you. You don't have to log in, type, find the right screen, and switch around between things because you're going to get bored and get distracted. We all do. To be able to have something that simplifies it, I love them. I'm going to look that up. That should be in our links.

There are many technologies. Let's plug in the word marketer here too. As a marketer, how do you decide which tools you should be looking at? How do you make that decision? How do you look for tools?

I'm still doing a lot of my own research. That's what I'm doing for clients is to try to figure out what's going to be the best things for them to spend their cash onto. A lot of small companies are still building that tech stack. Certainly, you’ve worked for larger companies as well, you might have the benefit of having someone that's in there doing that analysis for you. Otherwise, I feel like we're at an age where it's easy to get a real-time demo. Often, you can get one without a human involved. You can use AI to get whatever information you want right away, but I also feel like we're in an age where relationship building is still important.I know when I've chosen automation systems in the past for companies. Building that relationship with the sales team helps them understand what my pain is, helps them meet my budget and my timing, etc. I'm still using the research online aspect first and the relationships with real humans to make my decisions. Testing is a big part of it. Making sure that you have different people who are going to be using this stuff and interacting with the system and tools every day. Do some testing. There is no reason that you should have to make a big purchase or a big commitment without some good testing.

That reminds me of a good marketing tech that I tried. I'm going to blank on it. It's a form abandon tool.

If you know Joe Caston from CapSumo here in Denver, that's a great lead for people.

They've got a 14-day to a 30-day free trial. We plugged it in in no time, I had my technical person copy and paste the code. You wouldn't believe the number of abandoned forms. Once they keystroke their email address or their first and last name, I've got that data whether they submit or not. It is an interesting little tool. We use something similar. It might have been that at RingCentral. We called it the Initials Team. I always wondered like, “What does initials?” It means they initially went to fill out their form and then they abandoned it. We would close somewhere between 2% and 4% of all of those initials leads that never made it through to an MQL status.

AI is great at looking at a large data set and pointing out significant differences.

That's amazing. There are things like that, that we have to work in partnership with sales and marketing. What is that message? You do want to be careful about someone, for whatever reason said, “I don't know why. Maybe they got distracted. Maybe they are following some other social or whatever it is to not be creepy about our outreach.” That's still something where people are concerned. There was a funny thing I was reading about Target and how they had targeted ads toward a young woman who was pregnant.They came through communications. Her parents saw the communications and didn't know she was pregnant. There's been a bit of pushback because we know that machines are collecting our data. Have a good plan for what that looks like. It's almost like anti-crisis management. You've got someone who's come in and you're getting information maybe a little bit surreptitiously and without them knowing. You've got to have a strategy for what that communication looks like to them to make it a deposit. Give them something helpful.

Deposit and not a withdrawal. That is from Josh Braun. Let's get to the shocking question of the day. This may be our last question. If you look over the last decade, the ratio of who owns the SDR and BDR team has been somewhere 70% to 80% sales, maybe 20% to 30% marketing. It seems that it may be shifting. What's your perspective on who should own the team? You could call them out. SDR is an inbound lead follow-up. BDR is outbound. Who owns inbound and outbound? Should it be the same person? Share some of your thoughts on that.

You're queuing it up perfectly because what we're seeing is a movement toward the center and balance. I'm much more of an ‘and’ person than a ‘but’ or an ‘or.’ I'm a, “Let's make it and,” because we have to keep sales and marketing aligned, balanced and communicated. It's not terribly important to me who owns it. It will depend on maybe who's driving. Maybe you have a leader or a VP of sales and marketing, then it could be either one. If you have distinct leadership with a sales leader, any marketing leader, I still lean toward sales certainly owning the business dev side. Even on the SDR side, I think a lot of that should be owned by sales. It's a personal thing. Marketing has to be involved and cannot be siloed away from that. It should be co-meetings. There should be a lot more human interaction on what's going on and finding that single source of truth for what's happening with customers. If you've got a great backend system, that’s fantastic. Otherwise, I believe it's got to be all of us meeting together to make these things happen.

I've always thought, it’s similar to your perspective, which is, “Where's the smartest kid in the room?” If it's like Anjai Gandhi of RingCentral, he is super smart. He was the Head of Strategy for Salesforce. If he rolls into the operations department, SDR and BDR should probably roll into operations if he is in the sales department. Probably he goes into that department. Kevin Kramer, I went skiing with him a while back. He was the smartest kid in the room at Riverbed Technology. He happened to report to the SVP of sales. We had a meeting once a week with the marketing department. It's extremely important to have a custom combination between the two. It needs to be a custom-fit solution. The difference is where things are headed. This is probably from personal opinion, what I've seen across a hundred deployments is that as the SDR role can be more automated, think about if you go to Home Depot and Walmart, you're going to self-checkout. If you go to a website and you're doing chat, you're interacting with a chatbot. I don't need a salesperson to come in on that chatbot until the very end. That can kick-off. I'd rather have someone very smart from a messaging perspective who was raised in Madison, Wisconsin and an English major than a fresh out of college salesperson, colorblind, lefthanded and doesn't know how to write. You follow the smart people in, “Where do they reside?” As AI takes off, small pieces like chat and email move up the value chain. You'll see a shift in marketing. I bet. My guess is it will go to 70% marketing and 30% sales.

You make a great argument on the SDR. At least, in my experience over several years or so working with inside sales teams, we're much more closely aligned. The large accounts owners will come in, give some advice, and give us their needs may be. We might be meeting less than weekly within almost daily touch sometimes between marketing and the sales development people. I think you're spot on. Sales development teams don't have to worry about jobs going away per se. They'll get to be elevated into other positions that require that human contact. We talked so much about that inbound aspect or the building of those relationships with partners. Building out those channels have to be well-thought-of and well-built-up. We all need to have our replacements coming up behind us.

I'll give you an example and then we'll leave one last statement. We used virtual assistance at my company. The AI scheduled sixteen meetings for me. Another twelve for another rep and another fifteen for another rep. That's with very little effort on behalf of the quota-carrying seller. When you make outbound feel like inbound, it's a different skillset. To your point, Dr. Howard Dover from UT Dallas said that from 2012 to 2017, the SDR role grew by 500%. In the last few years, it grew another 84%. That's nearly 1,000% growth in the past years. The tools and technologies make you 5 to 10 times more effective. That means it's ten times bigger role with ten times as many activities flying around. That number of pure bodies needs to stop growing and in fact, may peel back a little bit because we've got that activity thing covered. Let's focus on the quality of conversations across all of those activities. You could probably do that with fewer people on the team. We'll see. Time will tell. How can people get ahold of you, Caroline, if they want to reach out to you to have some help with their marketing strategies? What do they do to reach out?

Using AI: Once you start to see the value of using AI, then you will be willing to invest a little bit of time in learning to set it up correctly.

LinkedIn is great. I don't know that there is a lot of Caroline Life there. You can find me there. I'm open to connecting with people. My email is at As long as you're spelling the multiple of life incorrectly, that's me.

Thanks for joining, Caroline. It's been a pleasure to talk with you. I hope everybody enjoyed the show. We'll catch you on the next one.

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About Caroline Life

Denver-based, Silicon Valley experienced, digital marketing strategist and technical writer/content expert.• Digital Marketing• Technical Writing• Account-Based Marketing (ABM) expert, storyteller, and multi-channel marketing campaign producer for acquisition, engagement, retention, and advocacyContact: caroline@lifes.com15+ years leading complex projects for B2B technology and SaaS companies and partners including Wells Fargo, Google, Okta, TomTom, Best Buy, Numerex, Agosto, and moreCreative problem solver and technical writer. Creator of engaging content, business process, lead gen, sales and customer success programs, client and partner/channel relationships that result in profitable initiatives via web, email, app-based interaction and more

TOP ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Mapped customer journey from segmentation through sales and beyond (implementation, usage, support, renewals) and optimized communications at key journey points, increasing usage and reducing churnOptimized new and existing content, attracting website traffic and increasing product awareness with blogging, video, social media, and websiteProduced written and video customer case studies that drew new site visitors from targeted industries and companies. Cloud development customer case study video was featured at the Google Partner Conference and received Google Cloud Global Partner of the year awardProduced global partner conferences and B2B focused events that drew higher attendance, furthered brand message, and closed new business


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